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Sunday 7 June 2015

Winners - Wings and Things

Welcome to the 'Winner's Post' here at the 'Fantasy Stampers Challenge'.

First, a big thank you to everyone who played along last time with our 'Girl Power' challenge - we had some great entries, but please remember that we are a stamping challenge, so digital entries are not eligible for our Top 3 spot.

So, here's who the Design Team chose for our Top 3  ... 

1st - Doreens Dream
Stunning stamped tag art x

2nd - Teresa
Visible Image Butterfly stamp Book Sculpture
Amazing book fold art x

3rd - Lesley
Such a delicate design x

Congratulations ladies - please feel free to take a copy of our Winner's badge - just click on the 'Winner's Badge' tab at the top of the blog.

I will be back on the 21st June with the next set of winners.

Hugz, Jan xx

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